School Calendar

The Sundrop School will follow an Extended Learning Year for the 2024-25 school year.

Be sure to check TV 9&10 News Website to check if there is a snow day.

Student exploring outside
Students in the snow

Gear Guide

At The Sundrop School, we embrace the outdoors in all seasons and nearly all weather conditions (excluding lightning and extreme cold). Our goal at Sundrop is to spend at least 2 hours, and possibly the entire day, outside. This could mean on the playground, at Nature Space, or on a guided hike through a nearby nature preserve or park. Children can happily enjoy the outdoors for many hours, even in cold or rainy weather, if equipped with the right clothing to keep them warm and dry.

Children should have waterproof rain boots for wet conditions, insulated snow suits, snow boots, wool socks, hats and waterproof gloves/mittens for winter conditions. Sun hats, close-toed tennis shoes or sandals, and lightweight sun- and bug-protective clothing for fall and spring. Indoor shoes to be kept at school. Sundrop provides full coverage rain suits to all students, which are kept at school.

Daily Schedule

The daily schedule is flexible and based on the weather and the seasons.

ARRIVAL – Welcome and Montessori Work Period (2-3 hours): Uninterrupted time for children to explore and master the Montessori materials. Children may do their work indoors or outdoors.

Lunch and Rest Time (45 – 60 min): Outdoors if weather permits.

Outdoor Group Exploration and Free Play: Discovery-based activities focused on environmental education. Optional unstructured free play outdoors.

DEPARTURE: Outdoor Play (up to 60 min).

Student holding leaf